Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dentist Visit - Part 2

I went back and the binoculars were GONE!

I met the hygenist. You know all the prep work it takes to get paint off an old house to get ready for a new coat of paint? Sometimes you can pressure wash. Sometimes they sand blast. And sometimes it just takes getting in there with a putty knife and scraping all that old gunk off the walls. Yep - that what I feel like. And she went down to the foundation! My mouth is SO sore. (I had soup for dinner.) But the ol'choppers look pretty good.

Still have the filling to look forward to, but I have a week or so to prepare myself. Meanwhile, she gave me a whole BAG of things to improve my brushing and glossing performances. It was like trick AND treat. She made my mouth bleed and then bribed me off with new tooth toys. And I will never be able to identify the culpret. They have a pretty good thing going on there.

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