Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dentist Visit

I have an absolute aversion to going to the dentist. It takes a lot to get me to go. By "a lot" I mean pain. I have to be hurting to go for a check-up, which admittedly is NOT the best way to maintain my choppers. But fear is a great DE-motivator. I have been blessed with good teeth and good insurance. That still doesn't make me anxiously await my next dentist visit. I avoid that experience like the plague. I have my reasons. It's a long story. That's NOT why I'm writing.

So - given the title of this posting you can assume that pain came and I succumbed to making an appointment. And you would be right. Part of what I don't like about dentists' office is the furniture and equipment. Where else can you go where the chair lays you out prone with this tower of equipment - and spotlights - over your face? the people are okay, if you ignore the fact they approach you in a MASK and rubber gloves. No eye witness identification and no finger prints. That makes me feel relaxed and at ease.

Given the fact that I am almost 60, why would they put me in a room with THIS?

Okay, I MIGHT have been a little "child-like." But my big "ba-boom" (Cayden-ese for tush) will NOT fit on that seat. Mr. Tooth is not my friend. But the really scary thing was THIS - hanging right next to the lead apron they cover you with for x-rays.

Just HOW FAR into my mouth were they going to LOOK??

The outcome was much better than the prior anxiety. I had a female dentist - YEA! She complimented the care I was taking of my teeth! YEA! I sat there, KNOWING how irregularly I really brush (though I floss a lot)and lied through my somehow amazing teeth. As I mentioned before, I have really good teeth - thank goodness. Otherwise they would have rotted out of my mouth years ago. Now it seems I have tooth fairies coming in and cleaning up the tartar while I sleep. YEA!

For the lack of time I spend on them, I have really been blessed. Maybe I need to be more attentive and appreciative. Tomorrow I get them cleaned. Now, if there is a vaccuum in that examining room.....


Mama C. said...

I have total dental aversion, too (for reasons probably similar to yours). I even posted my own dental posting awhile back... although it's much more to the point than yours!

The good thing is, we go... whether we like it or not, right?



Coastalgrannie said...

I put it off three years this time - and you're right. It sucks. Everytime I go I remember WHY I don't like going. Why should you PAY to have someone hurt you? I know plenty of folks who would do it for FREE!!lol