Friday, November 28, 2008

Raccoon Hotel

The pest guy came Wednesday afternoon to repair the torn screen on the vent. He wanted to check in the crawl space before sealing it up, in case a raccoon or something else had already made themselves at home. He starts down the trapdoor and gets onto his knees when he stops suddenly. He stands back up and says -

(Come on - just guess....)

"There's a raccoon down here."
I guess the growling was a give-away.

He hops back up out of there (I don't blame him - I wouldn't want to tangle with one in a crawl space either...) Of course, it's the day before Thanksgiving and he won't be able to bring a trap by until next week. So we have house guests for the weekend. For any who might be concerned for the raccoon, he's bringing a "live" trap and he relocates the little darlings.

Myself - I have different wishes for them.............but I am evil.

The side issue is what this news does to my mom, who has paranoia about these critters. After living here a few months, I understand her plight better, but her reaction goes with her condition. She is back to hearing noises at night and not being able to sleep. It gets her sleeping pattern disrupted and that's not good.

All I can say at this point, is - pass the turkey. I need the L-tryptophan-induced sleep.

1 comment:

Ericka said...

I hope they catch him.