Thursday, November 13, 2008

I (heart) This Tree

I was going to take a picture of it all summer, and never got it done. Now I'm kind of glad. It seems more appropriate in a storm. What I get from this tree is:
Where there is a will, there is a way.

Sometimes we start out, thinking we are going one way and we end up in a different situation than we planned. Should we give up? This tree didn't. I'm sure it planned on being the tallest in the forest. But it rooting got disrupted, and nearly destroyed. It adapted. It improvised. It overcame. (I think my kids will remember those words....) It still sought the vertical connection. And so should we. There is a Plan. It's called the Plan of Happiness for a reason. We have an infinite capacity for joy. There are forces at work who want to steal that from us. We need to make a choice. Like this tree, seek the "vertical connection." Pray. Read God's word. Meditate. Seek the Light.

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