Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Big Six-O

I'm officially into my sixth decade now. This was the first significant birthday for me in a long while. There were YEARS that went by when I actually could NOT remember how old I was unless I subtracted my birth year from the current year. Age has never been important to me. Somehow, this one was. And it was awesome.

It wasn't because of what happened, particularly. It was a quiet day. My kids are in other states. It could have been a disappointing day - but it wasn't. There was just a special spirit around all day and I had the best birthday. I went to my favorite place for dinner - Tidal Raves in Depot Bay (a good 45 minute drive away from home) with Mom and Tom. Great seafood, great view, great company, great atmosphere, fabulous sunset with no rain! Amazing!

Tom planned the dinner - being willing to take me to MY favorite place, when he hates seafood (they DO have GREAT ribeyes!). The surprize came when the check was presented. Chrissy and Matt had called from Salt Lake (knowing our plans for the evening) and arranged to pay for our dinners! Totally uncalled for, but very thoughtful and sweet.

I arrived home after dinner to find this waiting for me in the doorway:

Ericka hadn't known what time we made our reservations for dinner and so missed us by just a few minutes. It's such a pretty arrangement!

Then, my birthday card from Matt Allred. This is a tradition he introduced to the family when he married Chrissy. His mom does these great photoshopped cards and he has shared the practice with us. Tom and I seriously look forward to these creations on our birthdays and Mother's and Father's Days. He outdid himself this year! Tom and I had talked about the sheer number of candles and were glad they didn't put that many on my dessert at Tidal Raves. They would have melted my ice cream!

And he shared these images of us - I laughed until I cried!
My sweet husband - people say he has made a big impression on me.....

Others say I have made a big impression on him....

Truth is - we have influenced each other. We have grown together. We are truly becoming one... Scary....

But, in all honesty, this is how I see him every time I look at him - my hunk!

Sorry ladies - he's taken. I'm a lucky woman!


Arya said...

It sounds like your birthday was a beautiful and peaceful day! Thank you for sharing it with us. It's always wonderful to see the photoshoped pictures. What fun.

Ericka said...

Those pics are too funny!!!