Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Have a Request

I know we are all busy. (Well - YOU are all busy - Tom and I float along wondering what will come up next...)

BUT keeping family contact up is important. My kids need to know that Tom checks your blogs almost every day. (I do too - ) It has been weeks (months in SOME cases) since you have updated. Your dear old, excitement-deprived parents LOVE reading your blogs. It doesn't have to be full of pictures, or earth-shaking news. We just like to "feel" like we are in touch.

Tom REALLY likes reading the blogs better than Facebook. I am seriously addicted to Facebook - it's embarrassing to admit. I waste way too much time with the games and all the distraction it affords. But I miss reading your entries and feeling your personalities. Even a few sentences. We enjoy even the most mundane things. You don't have to be profound.



Ericka said...

I still need to post about ice skating last week.

Chrissy said...

I posted a new blog, have you checked it?