Things are moving swiftly along to time for our move to St. George, Utah.
We are working on emptying the storage unit before the end of the month...and succeeding! Both of us are letting go of things we have held onto for years. Tom said that some of the boxes he has gone through haven't been opened in ten years. I'm so proud of him.
I think the tragedy in Japan has put things in prospective for us. Those people lost everything, including family. We are only keeping the things we REALLY love and count ourselves as blessed to be able to make those kinds of decisions. I have no problem seeing things go away. Things I used to think were important. I feel fortunate to be able to share the extra with others who need it. I get a real "united order" feeling about it. I have sufficient for my needs. the right thing is to pass the excess on. Not many times in my life have I been in this position.
The only thing we are not sure of yet is where we are going to live. Not a big thing, right? Every Sunday we have a couple who ask us if we know where we are going to live yet. It seems to bother them more than us. When I say not yet, they ask if that means we aren't going to go. i smile and tell them that we are still going. I know the house will be there when we need it to be.
I KNOW we are supposed to move to St. George. The Lord has always provided the most amazing places for us to live. I KNOW he will provide this time too. I know how naive this might sound to some. They don't know my history. I know how the Lord deals with me. I trust Him. If He has picked St. George for us, He knows what we need to make it happen. We are doing our part and just waiting to see the door open.